
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Farm Boy Halloween

Farm boys seem to have their own unique ideas of what makes a great Halloween costume.  I probably don't help this matter when I am one of those moms that would prefer to make our costumes instead of buy them.  I thought you might enjoy a couple of our favorite Halloween costumes.

The John Deere Tractor:

Safety first:  no tractor is complete without a Slow Moving Vehicle emblem on the back.

The hardest part of this costume is keeping the 2 boxes connected.  This year, we used bolts and nuts to hold them together.

He insisted on the muffler that he found himself.  Foam pipe insulation made a great light weight muffler.

The Ear of Corn

This has been one of my favorite costumes over the years.  I printed the corn design onto iron on paper and applied to white material that we sewed into the green shucks.  The silks we left over from a centerpiece I had at some time...kind of like gold Christmas tree icicles but stiffer.  When one of the boys was younger, we loaded him into a wagon filled with real ears of corn for the local kiddie parade.

Do you have a favorite costume that your kids have used over the years?

-A Kansas Farm Mom


  1. Too CUTE!! I am making one of these for my daughter for drive in movie night at church!

    1. Thanks! I would love to see yours when you get finished. We all do things a little differently. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great job! Does the tractor get to harvest the corn? Lol. Our oldest will be Larry the Cable Guy.... How simple is that? :) and it was Grandma's idea, not even Mommy's!

    1. Thanks! Right now we are harvesting soybeans. I am trying to figure out how to work trick or treating into the harvest schedule.

  3. Love them both Nicole!!! Great job! We have a bumble bee, a bunny rabbit and a 1950's bank robber. Will have to send you a picture. I too perfer to make the costums. This way the are all original!

    1. Thanks! If you ever want to borrow the corn costume, the boys have outgrown it. :)

  4. I just love the John Deere costume! So creative! Makes for fun play dates also :) Thanks for linking up to Thankful Thursday!

  5. Those are great! I used to love making Halloween costumes for my son and nephews. I kind of miss those days.

  6. Goodness. I'm not a big fan of dressing up for holidays, but my human insists. At least my horns are big, so she usually goes for those goats with little or no horns. I would like to try nibbling that big ear of corn.


I would love to hear what you think. Leave me a comment.