
Monday, December 24, 2012

'Twas the Morning Before Christmas

"Twas the morning before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring...not even MOM!!!

Where was she?!  Shouldn't she be wrapping asked the youngest son?!
Shouldn't she be baking and singing Christmas songs worried the oldest son?!

The weatherman says there's going to be cold weather and possibly snow,
Grain is a source of extra energy for the cows.  Keeping warm on cold days takes lots of extra energy.

so the Kansas Farm Mom and her farmer hubby were out unwrapping hay bales for their girls to keep their tummies full and their bodies warm.
Taking the net wrap off a bale wearing a stocking hat that my Grandma made me before she died. :)

The kids will understand if not everything gets wrapped or baked (even the Cinnamon Roll Muffins).  The cows come first on this ranch.

White Christmas' usually aren't welcome in this part of the land.
Snow makes more chores and leaves less time to spend with the family on Christ's Birthday.

The continuing drought reminds us all that each drop of moisture from the heaven
 is a gift from God.  We thank him for each flake he sends us tomorrow on Christmas mornin'.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

P.S.  If you are new to my blog, follow me on Facebook or follow the link at the top to be notified each time I have a new post.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

Linked to:
 Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop


  1. I love it. I love the photos too. Merry Christmas. We will be able to leave our farm for just a short time tomorrow to visit with family.

    1. Thanks Mary Jo! I hope your family had a fabulous day. Our family unwrapped presents and then all of us went out to feed the cows together. Merry Christmas!

  2. I just Liked you on Facebook! Nice to meet you.

    1. Glad you liked my page! Let me know if there is anything you would like to know about our farm.


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