
Monday, June 9, 2014

June Wildflowers on the Prairie

The rains just keep coming.  The native plants are absolutely loving all the rain and cool temperatures.  I find it interesting when you look out across a Native grass pasture all you see is green, but when you get closer and slow down you notice there is a wide variety of plants in this ecosystem.
When you take the 4 wheeler for an evening ride (with a son and the faithful dog) you can really see the diversity up close.

Thanks to Walt Fick, professor of Agronomy at Kansas State University, I can help you identify most of the plants I took pictures of last week.  Follow Walt on Twitter and maybe we can convince him to post his weekly wildflower pictures on Twitter as well as his personal Facebook page.

 Indian Paintbrush

 Purple Coneflower
Prairie Cone Flower
 Cats claw Sensitive Briar
Wild onion or garlic
Horse Nettle
A special thanks to Walt for taking time to help me identify the pictures on my cell phone while we were at a meeting last week on Prairie Fires.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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