
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Random Thoughts of Wheat Harvest

During the first half of wheat harvest, I took lots of pictures that are all totally random, but pretty much sum up life around here during harvest.  I also have lots of random thoughts to go with them.  Yes, it is that dark when he comes home every night.  It was that dark when I came home most nights which would probably be why my kids are somewhat sleep deprived.

Yes, my husband comes home covered in black stuff.  Some nights he looks like he works in a coal mine and on the bad days, I do too.
After one day of soybean planting, it appears I need to find something to do with all the antlers they keep finding in the fields.  These puppies can do a number on a tire and let me tell you that tractor and combine tires are not even close to the same price as a car tire.
I really love taking pictures of the wheat.  This is one of about 50 I have taken.
While the sight of rain is good, especially after the years of drought our area has endured, I still don't like to see it rain on the field I am about to finish while the sun shines on the other side of the road.
Did I mention I like to take pictures of the wheat?
It is a long way down when you are standing on top of the combine.
The grain tank looks pretty big from the top, too.
The sun is really bright right before it sets, especially if you have to look into it to line up the auger on the combine to empty it and really don't want to miss.  If you miss, you get yelled at and then you have to clean up the mess and that auger can make a big mess before you get things shut off.
I love it when I have visitors come to the field and ride with me.  It gives me someone to talk to besides myself.  It is even better when they bring something cold to drink.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love my husband?  Especially when he keeps my combine running properly.
Especially, when he listens to me when I tell him something is wrong and he figures it out and he doesn't make me go into the bowels of the beast.
Even weed seed heads can be beautiful with a Kansas sunset behind them.  Of course, those were on the neighbors side of the road.
If your husband calls to say he is stuck while trying to plant and then sends you the above picture, it might be a little wet where he is waiting to be pulled out.  I was so disappointed that they didn't gather enough for a crawfish boil though.  Those Cajuns don't have anything on us. ;)

Have a great rest of the week everyone!  Hoping for a little dry weather, so we can cut wheat and put up some hay.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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