
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Farmer in the Making Month 4

The Little Farmer went to pick corn for the county fair.  His mom did a great job of taking pictures, but she forgot to post them for you to see.  These were taken 2 weeks ago when the corn was still green.  When the boys get over ear infections, we will go back to the corn field for a visit.

We went out to the field the morning of the fair entries.  He looked for the bigger ears to pick.
 Shucking the corn was the easy part of getting the exhibit ready.
He had to look for good ears that didn't have any worm damage and had to compare them to try to find ears that were close to the same size.
We probably could have done better finding more ears that were alike if we had picked another 50 ears of corn.  The judge said he needed to pick a more uniform set of ears to get a blue ribbon.  He got a red ribbon, but learned what to do better next year. 
We like judges that actually tell us how to improve for next year and just don't give a ribbon and go on. 

Corn harvest will be here before we know it!

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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