
Monday, September 15, 2014

AgChat Sponsor Thanks and I need your help!

Way back in August just before Corn Harvest began and I had a life outside of the corn field, you may remember that I went to the annual AgChat Conference in Austin, Texas.  I convinced several of my friends to attend this year and I got a bag full of some pretty awesome swag for recruiting them to attend.  I say pretty cool swag that is if you are a farmer...I don't think my sister-in-laws would fully appreciate a pair of fencing pliers.  LOL

I want to extend a Thank You to those who donated the items and I need your help!  I got a gift card and I need help deciding what I should buy.  Read to the end to tell me what I should buy.

First a big thanks to:
Not everything I received is pictures, because my boys (the husband included) took off with some of it as soon as I got home.

The Cody Canada CD Set sure made the rush hour drive through Dallas/Fort Worth seem not quite so bad.

This multi tool is going to come in super handy and is currently in the show box to travel to the last shows of the season.  I am always having to ask one of the dads for a knife or pliers.
I really like my coat from Feed Beets although to be honest I did have to go to their website to see what they were all about.  If you want to know all about feeding sugar beets to your cattle then be sure to check out their site!  Feed Beets
I am really excited about my Dekalb t-shirt.  The flying ear of corn that I grew up with sure has a cool new look. 
The boys were certain they could sneak away with my night light from Cow Art and More, but I caught them just in time.  This is too cute to hide in the boys rooms.
Holstein cow light
Every farm needs more fencing pliers.  Just this week we had to fix 3 separate fences.  The bulls sure had fun in one pasture pushing our fences down.  

If you are looking for some great western photography or note cards, be sure to check out my friend Jenn's site.  The South Dakota Cowgirl Photography will take your breath away.  The South Dakota Cowgirl Photography
And finally, what I need your help with!  All the recruiters were given a $50.00 gift card from Duluth Trading.  I have bought from Duluth before, but always for my husband.  I am thinking this time I will actually buy something for myself.  Should I try out their pants or get a cool new bag?  Check out their site and let me know what you would buy! Duluth Trading

I really do want to know what you think I should buy and what would have been your favorite thing if you had received this bag?
-A Kansas Farm Mom

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