
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia

Today's Post is from Dr. Hurford of the Pittsburg State University Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia and CARRD Center.  If you have questions, please contact him, he knows way more than I do and is more than happy to talk with anyone who needs more help.-KFM


Approximately 1 in 5 individuals in the United States has dyslexia. Reading failure causes children and their parents a considerable amount of stress. Children begin elementary school with a great deal of enthusiasm and much of this enthusiasm is geared to the desire to learn to read. It is heartbreaking for parents and teachers to witness these highly motivated children struggle learning to read. Parents know how important the ability to read is and become frustrated and feel despair when their children experience reading failure. Parents feel helpless since they are not aware of what the problem is or what to do about it. Unfortunately, very many teachers also feel helpless and might become defensive since they feel responsible for helping these children learn to read and they have not been trained to help children with dyslexia. The good news is that reading scientists understand the cause of dyslexia and what to do to help individuals with dyslexia learn to read.

What is the Center for READing?                                                                                                 
The Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia (Center for READing; is a university-based center devoted to providing affordable assessments and interventions for individuals with dyslexia and ADHD. The Center was established in 1997 after many years of doing research to determine the best way to identify individuals who have dyslexia and what to do about it. Our assessment tools are very accurate and our interventions have been very successful in helping thousands of individuals to become competent readers.

Although we are located in Southeast Kansas and most of our families are from Southeast Kansas, Southwest Missouri, Northeast Oklahoma and Northwest Arkansas, we welcome any family. In fact, we have had families come from Switzerland, where students are taught and learn to read in English, and from various States further then the four-state region. In fact, one family came to us from California this past summer since our methods work and are more cost effective than what can be obtained there even considering the cost of travel, meals and hotel stay.

We LOVE working with families of individuals who have dyslexia. The assessment generally takes 2.5 to 3.5 hours and includes an evaluation of reading and its subskills (phonological processing), spelling, comprehension, intelligence, and emotional and psychological functioning as it relates to education. A professional report is generated from the assessment results and parents come back for a feedback session in which the results are thoroughly explained. For families who live near Pittsburg, Kansas, individuals can receive our interventions. For those who live too far away, those families can take the Summary of Assessment report to their schools. For schools that do not know much about dyslexia, we also like to help teachers learn how to provide our interventions. The more teachers know about dyslexia and what to do about it, the more help students with dyslexia will get.
Most of our clients are in elementary school, but we also work with middle and high school students and adults. Our oldest adult was 60 years old! It is never too late to overcome dyslexia. If an individual is experiencing reading difficulties, we are interested in doing our best to help him or her. We also love to provide tours and to talk about dyslexia at the Center for READing. Come visit!

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How do I sift throught all this Dyslexia and ADHD Information?

1 comment:

  1. I have a student who recently did an assessment with you. I am so excited to read the outcome and be able to help this student succeed in class. As I am reading the paperwork, I read, " is recommended that ________ attend training sessions at the Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia..." My question is, how can we make this happen since you are so far away and the child needs to be in class? Ms. Hopper


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