
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October Country Fair Blog Party Favorites

Can you believe we are already half way through October?  Where has the month gone?  When we changed the Country Fair Blog Party to a monthly party, all of the co-hosts agreed that we would do a post of some of our favorites by the 15th of the month.  If you didn't get to see all the awesome blog posts that were linked, you should go back and read the October Country Fair Blog Party.

I am like my friend Laurie of Country LINKed and I couldn't pick just one favorite, but I would love for you to leave a comment as to what your favorite post from the party is.  I will tally all the comments and name a Grand Champion for the party. 

Below are my favorites, but be sure to go check out my lovely co-hosts favorites as well:
Tip Garden
High Heels and Shotgun Shells
Dirt Road Charm
This Uncharted Rhoade
Country LINKed

Kate of Uptown Sheep absolutely struck a cord with me with her posts Flip Flops and Record Corn Yields.  I don't know a single farm wife that hasn't had the dream of an exotic vacation or new furniture washed away in a single day by rain or a market crash.  In Kate's experience, it was both in the same year.

Flips Flops and Record Corn Yields


I love Dr. Lindsay's post on how to save money when buying pork especially since October is National Pork Month or as my pig farmer friends like to say "Porktober."  She has some great videos explaining tips of how to cut a whole pork loin and several food safety tips as well.

Saving Money at the Meat Counter


If there is one fall food that I absolutely love, but have been terrified to try to make it is a Pumpkin Roll.  The tutorial and pictures from Diaries from the Dirtroad almost has me wanting to try to make one.  If it keeps raining, like it has the last several days, I may just try it or I could invite my friend Nickie who makes an amazing Pumpkin Roll to make me one.  Hmmm....

Pumpkin Roll

 I can not wait until it gets colder and I can try this White Hot Chocolate recipe from our newest co-host Jan from The Tip Garden.  Her little chocolate boats to float whipped cream in are absolutely adorable.

White Hot Chocolate


 I just love seeing pictures from other farms.  We have horses on our farm, but honestly they are more yard art than anything.  The boys do ride them some when they are not busy with school and 4-H projects, which isn't very often.  There is just something relaxing about viewing the world from the back of a horse.

Wordless Wednesday Between the Ears

I do have a confession to make.  As much as I love to cook and bake, I struggle with sugar cookies.  Part of it is that I don't think ahead far enough ahead to make the dough so it can chill.  I am excited to try this recipe from the Chicken Chick, because you are NOT to refrigerate the dough.  I will let you know how the cookies turn out.

Lemon Sugar Cookies

Now, don't forget to leave me a comment with your favorite post.  I think I was a little hungry when I read through all the entries looking back at all the food posts I liked.  :)

Don't forget all of my co-hosts are sharing their favorites as well this week!

Tip Garden
High Heels and Shotgun Shells
Dirt Road Charm
Country LINKed
This Unchartered Rhoade

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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