
Monday, February 2, 2015

February Country Fair Blog Party

Where in the world did the month of January go?  We have celebrated both of my boys birthdays and moved on to having a few baby calves make their arrival into the world.  Life will be crazy busy on our farm for the next 45 days or so.  What is going on in your life for the month of February?

We had some great posts linked to the January party.  Good looking recipes, fun garden ideas and lots of sharing of farms and ranches across the country.  If you haven't checked it out yet, you really should. 

I found some great recipes to make for my sweetie for Valentine's Day.  The Amazing Cranberry-Pomegranate Vinaigrette would be so pretty on a salad for Valentine's Day.
My sweeties (the boys included) LOVE homemade bread.  If I find some free time, I may just have to try my hand at Buttery Crescent Rolls.

MMMMmmmmm....Kahlua Salted Caramel Sauce.  Who are we kidding?  I think I need to make this one for myself. ;)

 Who is ready for spring and summer and time to work in the garden? Check out last month's party for some great projects you can do now to get you ready for a great garden.

Now, on to this month's party!  Share your posts (up to 3) below.  Be sure to visit some of the others and come back here and tell me some of your favorites.  I could use some help picking which posts to feature each month.  There are always so many good posts.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

Be sure to say hi to all our hosts as well!
Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids
This Unchartered Rhoade
TIP Garden
Belong with Wildflowers
Country Linked 
Dirt Road Charm
High Heels and Shotgun Shells

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