
Monday, July 13, 2015


I am learning in my advancing age that sometimes you need to take a step back and refocus where you send your energy.

10 years ago, I longed for leadership positions in any and all farm organizations.  I spent time serving on the county farm bureau board and the state soybean association boards as well as CommonGround and many others.  I even coordinated the school book fair with one of my best friends.

The last few years, I've found less enjoyment in the positions I had acquired.  If you are like me, when you don't enjoy something you don't give it the time and energy it deserves.  I have slowly stepped down from positions hoping I would find a balance I was happy with.  A balance between time with my boys, my work on the farm and volunteering for the farmers of Kansas.

Have you ever tried to balance 3 things at once? I wasn't very good at it.

While The Farmer has taken on more leadership roles in state at organizations, I have removed myself from most of them.  I am happier.  I am calmer.  I am still not as organized as I would like to be.  I don't feel I  am shorting my fellow farmers that I was to be representing by not reading everything that was sent to me and not contacting my legislators like I should have.

Moms out there...why do we feel we need to be everything to everyone?

Why do we think we must have the beautifully decorated and clean house while volunteering for everything, helping the kids keep good grades, have a well balanced meal on the table three times a day all while staying skinny wearing makeup and having our hair done beautifully.


I don't know why, but here is the truth.

My hair is pulled back in a ponytail most days, because it is functional and it is quick to do.

My house is never immaculant...even when it has just been "cleaned"...well my version of cleaned.  (Please don't look under there or in there.)

My kids do pretty well without me on their grades.  While dyslexia makes spelling a challenge, there is always spell check in today's world.  Right?!

I get food on the table 3 times a day; however, my idea of balanced and a dietician's maybe two different things on some meals.  What comes out of those mouths during dinnertime conversation is probably more important than what goes into them some nights.

P.S.  I turned down an opportunity to apply for a new leadership role last week on a state board.  I need time to refocus and find where I want to be.

How do you find balance with family, work and volunteering?  How do you stay happy?

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