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Monday, March 18, 2019

Flat Aggie Discovers Ag Communication Careers

For our last visit with Aggie, we got to see a different part of agriculture. We all know about ranchers and farmers, but what about those who help these farmers and ranchers get their story out to the world? What about those who are behind getting to explain what those careers are all about? There are all sorts of jobs in agriculture! You don’t even have to be on the farm. Aggie got to learn all about a whole different section of the agriculture industry: agricultural communication. Kansas Wheat is a great example of what a person can do in agricultural communications.

The people out here in the tractors need somebody to support them and promote what they do to other people. So we put Flat Aggie to work and had her interview one of our farmers.

Aggie was able to use one of the computers to get to work. She took the information from her interview with the farmer and will make it into a full story so more people can get to know about the people who feed the world.

Next, Aggie needed to put together some important facts about wheat into a pretty booklet. This helps people learn more about the food they eat. In the booklet, it will feature the story she wrote about the farmer.

Aggie got to take some photos while on the farm. This will look great in her little booklet, but first she needs to adjust the lighting and change the photo into a format that can be used. Looking great Aggie! You have a good eye!

Aggie wants to include some information about what is happening in politics related to agriculture, trade and other factors that can affect wheat farmers. She turns to the news and-hey- with a career in communications she could be the one giving the report!

Aggie finished up her booklet and was very happy with how it looks. She sent it to have it edited and printed so her friends can read and learn all about wheat. Thanks to communicators like Aggie, now people will know more about the food they eat and the people who grow the food.

And don’t forget, no matter what you’re interested in, there’s a career in agriculture just for you? Do you like computers and technology? You can be a programmer that works on cutting-edge precision agriculture tools. Want to be a lawyer? You can specialize in ag law or even talk to folks on Capitol Hill about farm issues! Like art, design or writing? You can be just like Aggie and be an ag communicator.

1 comment:

  1. I love Flat Aggie's Kansas Wheat shirt and all those communicators who spread the message about wheat and other agriculture issues.


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