
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

BBR-Celebrate Wheat

Celebrate Wheat is the fourth book in the Kansas Farm Bureau series of books about Kansas Agriculture after the books, Milk Comes From A Cow, The Soil Neighborhood, and Farmer and Ranchers Care for Their Animals.

Kailey is getting ready for her birthday pizza party.  She is super excited, but has a question for Grandma.  In her previous adventures, she has learned where hamburger and the other toppings come from, but wants to know about the crust. 

The book shows beautiful pictures of farmers planting wheat, when the wheat is green and growing (like ours is now) and when it is ready to harvest.

I love the picture of the combines going through the field to harvest the wheat and unloading the kernels into the waiting trucks.

Kailey learns that the wheat is ground into flour that we use to make bread, pasta, cereal and even pizza.  She also shares all her new found wheat knowledge with all of her guests to her birthday party.

The Flat Aggie report from Kim’s County Line has some very similar pictures from the book that you might enjoy.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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