
Sunday, May 11, 2014

DIY--Wheat Wreath

Decorating a farm house by a farm wife often requires a little bit of creativity and if you are cheap frugal like me, using things you can find in a field while you are waiting on your husband.  The last 2 years we have had beautiful wheat crops.  The heads were big and the crop didn't get rained on which makes mold and mildew grow on the plants as they are drying down before harvest. Our wheat is currently just starting to pollinate, but those beautiful golden heads will be here before we know it.

To get straight wheat heads like the ones I used, I cut the wheat while it was still green and tied it in bundles.  The boys and I hung it upside down to let it dry.  It has to have sunshine for it to turn golden.  My front porch looked interesting for awhile to say the least.

To make the Wheat Wreath, I started with a simple styrofoam wreath form.

I am not real good with wire and I tend to get myself all wound up in tape, too.  I bought these floral pins at Hobby Lobby and think they are the best for the craft challenged like myself.
Here's what the bag looked like.  I found them near all the foam forms and artificial flowers.
The boys liked helping me by cutting the wheat heads off the stalks.
I pinned 2 wheat heads at a time and made sure to put the pins in at an angle.  They might have pushed all the way through if I had them too straight.

Push the pins in all the way.

I made rows that got pretty random at times. 
The next row needs to be close enough that it covers the pins before it.
Keep going around the form until you have it full and it looks like this.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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