
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Country Fair Blog Party #13

Welcome to our weekly edition of the Country Fair Blog Party!  It’s a place for bloggers to share their finest each week whether they live in the city, country, or somewhere in between.  It’s a place to brag a little about what you have been doing.

Next week will be the last week of National Beef Month.  While you can link up anything you want next week, the beef and cow posts will be given extra points in the judging, so start thinking about what posts you will want to share with us next week on May 29th.  

Now on to the Blog Party!  Just like a local county fair we name Grand Champions each week in 3 divisions: Food, DIY Projects, and Agriculture.  You can find the champions from previous blog parties on my Pinterest boards Ag, Food, and DIY.

Here are the Grand Champions from Country Fair Blog Party #12.


California Chicken Wrap

from Jay Tried and True




So, I took the afternoon off

 by Farm House Journals


Rope Clock

from The Idaho Rancher's Wife

Feel free to join in the fun and link up with up to 3 posts!  Click through the links and find some new friends and leave us a comment to tell us what your favorite post is.

Kelly who writes the blog Old Blue Silo and does some graphic design work is one such person.  She designed some super buttons for the blog party that you can "grab."  Please add this button to your side bar or your post, so every one know you are linking up to our party.
Country Fair Blog Party

If you have been featured as one of our champions, we now have a purple ribbon for you to proudly display on your champion post.
Country Fair Blog Part

Please be kind and follow your hosts for this party:
Nicole of Tales of A Kansas Farm Mom on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram

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