
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Farmer in the Making Week #5

Well, I guess I missed a week of reporting the corn progress.  Yes!  I had someone remind me Monday morning.

The corn has had quite an adventure the last two weeks from cold temperatures to down right hot temperatures this week.

Let's not forget the dust storm.

The severe storms that built above us a little over a week ago and became tornadoes east of us.

And a few days of drizzle, but not a lot of rain.

The corn has been spoon fed a bit of fertilizer this week while the little farmer was in school.

A little bit of rain would be great.  The warm temperatures should really have the corn growing fast as long as it can get to moisture in the soil.

Some of the corn really got beat up by the wind when the dust was blowing.

We have received a little rain, but could really use some more.  My friends to the North and East are just getting into the field to plant.  I think I can safely say that the farmers from us to the west would gladly take some of their excess moisture right now.

I'll try to do better at keeping up on the corn progress, so my friends aren't calling to see how things are going. ;)

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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