
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Farmer in the Making Week #12

If you will remember last week we had tassels and silks and were excited to see something new in My Little Farmer's corn field.  The tassels are still shedding pollen.

My little farmer thinks it is fun to see if he can hide in the corn field and the boys even played a little game of Marco Polo.

The silks haven't grown any longer which we have been told is a good thing.  As I understand it, the silk will stop growing when it gets pollinated.
My little farmer couldn't wait to pull back the shucks and see what was hidden beneath the green.
He was careful to try to not pull the silks when he opened up the shucks.

Look!  Baby kernels of corn!!
After the corn field, we went to check on the milo that My Little Farmer helped plant.  I love that he is right there with dad checking the seedlings just coming through.  We also had a little farm friend visiting from California who followed along to see what was going on.  His family hosted Flat Aggie the first year and has also shared about their family's almond trees.

If you would like to know more about what goes on with corn pollination, I found this great article this week. I learned quite a bit reading it and it gave me an idea of what to look for next week.

What would you like to see next week?

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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