
Monday, November 17, 2014

Sweet Potato Farmer Math

In an effort to make math more interesting for kids and to make my kids understand that math really is important, I have started a series of Farmer Math questions to go along with the Flat Aggie reports.  These are patterned after the blog Bedtime Math.  Some of the questions are easy enough for pre-schoolers and sometimes I come up with some to even challenge high school seniors.

This math goes with the Flat Aggie report from Barnes Farms.


1.  Flat Aggie helped harvest 3 fields of sweet potatoes on Tuesday and 4 fields on Wednesday.  How many fields did he help harvest in all.

2.  1 hill of sweet potato vines will produce 2 pounds of sweet potatoes.  If Flat Aggie helped harvest 4 hills of potatoes, how many pounds of potatoes would he have? 

3.  It takes sweet potatoes up to 120 days after they are transplanted before they are ready to harvest.  Approximately, how many month do sweet potatoes grow in the ground? 

4.  It takes about 20 bushels of seed to plant 1 acre of sweet potatoes.  How many bushels of potatoes are needed to plant 300 acres of sweet potatoes? 

5. One box of sweet potatoes contains 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and weighs 2200 pounds.  How much does one bushel of sweet potatoes weigh?

1.) 7 fields   2.)8 pounds  3.)4 months  4.)6000 bushels  5.)  55 pounds

If you are a teacher or homeschooler that would like more information to go with the Flat Aggie reports, send me a message on my contact form.  Along with the report and the Farmer Math questions, we send each teacher an additional page of activities, crossword puzzles and sometimes a few hands on activities.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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