
Monday, November 17, 2014

Wheat Farmer Math

In an effort to make math more interesting for kids and to make my kids understand that math really is important, I have started a series of Farmer Math questions to go along with the Flat Aggie reports.  These are patterned after the blog Bedtime Math.  Some of the questions are easy enough for pre-schoolers and sometimes I come up with some to even challenge high school seniors.

Wheat Farmer Math

1.)Flat Aggie learned is takes a tractor, a seed cart and a planter to plant wheat.  How many pieces of equipment does it take to plant wheat?

2.)Flat Aggie can plant 150 acres of wheat per day.  How many acres can he plant in 3 days?

3.)Flat Aggie helped plant 75 pounds of wheat per acre.  If Flat Aggie planted 2000 acres of wheat, how many pounds of wheat seed did he need to plant all the acres?

4.)If there are 15,100 seeds per pound of wheat.  How many seeds per acre did Flat Aggie help plant?

5.)Flat Aggie learned there are 43560 square feet per acre and an acre is about the size of a football field without the endzones.  Assuming all the factors listed above, how many seeds did Flat Aggie plant per square foot? (Round to the nearest one)

1.)    3 pieces of equipment  2.) 450 acres  3.)  150,000 pounds  4.)1,132,500 seeds per acre  5.)  26 seeds per square foot

If you are a teacher or homeschooler that would like more information to go with the Flat Aggie reports, send me a message on my contact form.  Along with the report and the Farmer Math questions, we send each teacher an additional page of activities, crossword puzzles and sometimes a few hands on activities.

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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