
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Country Fair Blog Party

I don't know about you, but this year the holidays seemed to fly by for our family.  We had 7 family dinners in 5 days and we hosted 5 of them.  We had so much fun spending time with my cousins that live far away and their kids seem to totally enjoy playing with my boys.

I can't believe we are already into 2015.  2014 was a great year for our family and we are kind of sad to see it go, but excited to see what 2015 has to offer for us as well.  Speaking of what seeing what others have to offer.  Did you check out the December Country Fair Blog Party?  Here are my favorite 5 posts from December.  Scroll down to the bottom of this post and add a link to up to three of your posts.
I can't wait to try these DIY Hashbrowns the next time I find a great buy on potatoes.  I love to stock the freezer with convenience foods, but I hate to buy them.

The photos in this Wordless Wednesday post were absolutely breathtaking.  I seldom get time to slow down when it is cold and snowy days and really enjoyed all the details she captured.

Green beans are a favorite at our house and I can't wait to try these Bacon Green Bean Hors Doeurve that look so easy and yummy.

With the weather changing from cool to absolutely cold this week, I am looking for lots of ideas of warm you up foods.  This Enchilada soup is at the top of the list to try. 


This Greek Style Beef and Cheese Ravioli looks like something my sister in law would absolutely love and I plan to make it the next time she comes to visit.  I would love it too, but the rest of the family not so much, so I think I will wait for someone to come help me eat it.  :)

So, what have you been up to the last month?  Do you have some great winter recipes I need to try?  Do you have a great winter craft that we all should make for Valentine's Day?  What is going on around your farm/homestead/ranch/yard?  I would love to hear all about them!

Be sure to say hi to my lovely co-hosts this month as you link up as well!

Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids is a new co-host this month...but she may be a little late in posting as she has a baby due any day now!!
Dirt Road Charm
High Heels and Shotgun Shells
This Unchartered Rhoade
TIP Garden
Belong with Wildflowers
Country Linked

Kelly of Old Blue Silo  designed the button for the blog party that you can "grab."  Please add this button to your side bar or your post, so every one know you are linking up to our party.
Country Fair Blog Party

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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