
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Country Fair Blog Party

April is here and things are about to get crazy busy on our farm.  I have been taking care of everything I can ahead of time, because the days of no schedule are here.  Is your April like mine?  Kids end of the year activities, spring sports and shows, and warm weather that makes you not want to come inside until it is dark have me wishing for more daylight.

The March Country Fair Blog Party had some amazing tips for your garden if you are needing helpful suggestions.  One you better get right on this week is from Farm Fit Mama on  How to Test for Healthy Soil. We test our soil in the fields, but for some reason I neglect that in my garden.  Last year's garden was such a flop that I am debating even planting one, but maybe a soil test would help me out.
soil probe
I love the suggestions from Grow A Good Life on the Planning Your Vegetable Garden Seed Starting Schedule.  I never really thought about counting the days.  Like I said before, I am not a great gardener.  I did sit through a 4-H Horticulture meeting where the leaders suggested the same type of schedule for the kids to make sure the vegetables were ready when they needed them to be at the fair and not 2 weeks later. 
Planning Your Vegetable Garden: Developing a Seed Starting Schedule | Grow a Good Life
I am going to have my boys read this next post from A Return to Simplicity.  They are always adding to their compost pile, but they don't take much to mom's suggestions.  Maybe if they read Compost in 30 days, they will find some suggestions that will help them be a bit more successful.
Compost in 30 days |
Now, if you take on all these garden projects and more, you better have some Freezer Meals packed away in case you forget that you are supposed to eat 3 meals a day or that the others in the house would at least like something to eat.  Ally compiled a great list of Freezer Meals that I can't wait to try.  I agree with her that some meals are a disaster after they have gone to the freezer.
Sexson Charlois always has a variety of posts and Looking Forward to April is another favorite.  Spring on a farm or ranch is such a busy place that sometimes there is barely time for uploading pictures.  If you want to see the best part of the post, scroll all the way to the bottom and read the last 2 lines.
So, what have you been up to this month?  Please share with us on this month's edition of the Country Fair Blog Party.  Do you have some quick and easy recipes for me to try out or a great all day in the crock post recipe?  How about a Mother's Day idea?  I could sure use those, too.  What is going on around your farm whether it is big or small?  I would love to see.  Link up to 3 blog posts and be sure to visit a few of the others linked up.

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