
Friday, May 1, 2015

May Country Fair Blog Party

Welcome back to this month's edition of the Country Fair Blog Party!  I am always so excited to see who stops by to link up and new faces get me really excited!  May is a month of celebrations around our house.  Graduation Celebrations.  Celebrating the wheat is almost ready to harvest.  School is out celebrations.  Celebrating that the corn is up and growing.  Calving is finished celebrating, too.

Here are some of my favorite posts from last month's party:

I have to say that I love the unfiltered honesty of this post from Positive Inspired Living.  We are who we are and not who others think we are or should be.

The Heath Revolution that is described by A Return to Simplicity is one that I could really get into and I think you might like it, too.
What would happen if we moved our "gyms" outside, and did active and productive work instead of useless toil on non-productive machines?  A Health Revolution | 

Those of you that have followed me very long know that I can't pass up a good recipe and this month I picked 2!

Roadside Potatoes from My Barnyard View and Blueberry Rum Punch from Little Blog on the Homestead.

Blueberry Rum Punch

If you are ready to get your hands dirty in the garden, Grow a Good Life has a great plan to grow salsa and even has the recipe to use when your produce is ready later this summer!   Fresh salsa is one thing I absolutely love all summer long.

 Salsa Garden Plan for Raised Bed or Square Foot Garden | Grow a Good Life

Share some of your celebrations with us and be sure to share the party with your friends.  Link up 1-3 of your blog posts, be sure to link back to us and please be kind to your fellow party goers and visit a few of them.  While you are visiting, be sure to leave a comment or 2 and let them know you found them at our party.

Your Party Hosts are:
Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids
This Unchartered Rhoade
TIP Garden
Country Linked 
A Kansas Farm Mom

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