
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Little Alltech Inspired Thoughts

Last week I had the pleasure of attending a Symposium held by the Alltech Company in Lexington, Kentucky.  I attended last year as well and I have to say I learn so much while I am there each year that it makes my head spin and it takes me a little while to put all my thoughts together.

I was asked to attend to help with their social media outreach during the conference and to write a couple of blog posts for the Alltech blog afterward.

My friends Jenny (The Magic Farmhouse), Janeal (Mom at the Meat Counter), Taysha (Dirt Road Charm), Danielle (High Heels & Shotgun Shells) and Carrie (Dairy Carrie) attended the conference with me as well.  If you want to see what we had to say while we were there listening to the speakers, search for the hashtag #AgFuture.  You can also see posts from all of us in the weeks to come on the Alltech blog.

I am one of those people that loves to collect inspiration quotes.  I did a post last year to review all the ones I heard last year and thought I would do the same again this year. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.
did not have a strategic plan. 
He had a dream.

What would your tombstone say about your dream?

The purpose of life is
life with a purpose.

You are not given opportunities.
 You make them.

You have ability and
responsibility to make a difference.

Don’t get it right. 
Get it going with passion.

It’s about T.I.P.

The Nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.

We are not standing on dirt. 
We are standing on the
roof of another world.
-Keith Davidson

The mistakes of the past transform
how we think about the future.

What are your favorite quotes that inspire you to strive for greatness?
-A Kansas Farm Mom

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