
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Country Fair Blog Party #22

This week while going through the posts linked to the Country Fair Blog Party it was really hard to pick 3 winners.  There were so many posts that were well written and creative that I couldn't pick just 3, so bear with me while I am that county fair judge that can't make up her mind and decided to change the rules.  I really wish I could have featured them all.  Here are my favorite posts from last week:

The DIY Champion, I may just have to make something like this for all of our friends headed to show at the +Kansas State Fair in a few weeks.  I love this cute idea from The Home on the Range Exchange for a County Fair Survival Kit.
The Food Category was a little tougher.  Kim's County Line with her Gussied Up Green Bean Salad
edged out the Turkey Pepperoni Pizza Dip from My Other Exciting Self.  I have to be honest I have never tried Turkey Pepperoni, but it looks so much leaner than we usually buy that I am going to look for it the next time I am buying pepperoni.
Life at the Crooked Brand Ranch is a faithful contributor to the blog party and this week she contributed TWO posts that are champion worthy.  The 10 signs of hay season ring so true in this house, especially finding more hay in the dryer lint trap than lint.  I absolutely love her post on Balance when talking about food issues and find that many of us need to step back and look for a little more balance. 
Who doesn't love to see sunflowers?  We don't have too many planted in our corner of the state and I am so glad Kim's County Line shared a field in her area with us in her post God's Parables.  I also love the quotes she found to go along with the beauties.

The Iowa State Fair is on my list for a vacation destination next year after all the posts I have been seeing online.  This post from Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids called the Iowa State Fair Food Guide has my mouth watering and I am trying to get a friend to help me make a similar list for the Kansas State Fair.  

Whew!  I better stop and let the new party begin!  I can't wait to see what everyone links up this week.  They get better and more in number every week.  Thanks for stopping by and if you don't mind, leave me a comment and tell me your favorite post this week.  I need some more judges to help me.  Have a great week! 

Add Our Buttons!

Kelly who writes the blog Old Blue Silo and does some graphic design work is one such person.  She designed some super buttons for the blog party that you can "grab."  Please add this button to your side bar or your post, so every one know you are linking up to our party.
Country Fair Blog Party

If you have been featured as one of our champions, we now have a purple ribbon for you to proudly display on your champion post.
Country Fair Blog Part

Please be kind and follow your hosts for this party:
Nicole of Tales of A Kansas Farm Mom on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram

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