
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Country Fair Blog Party #23

It is time for another round of the Country Fair Blog Party coming to you this week from the +AgChat Foundation Conference in Austin, Texas.  All four of our hosts are in attendance and 3 of us will be presenting Thursday afternoon.  Wish us all luck!

This is the first time that all four of us have ever been together in the same place, so we are excited to hang out and have some fun learning this week.

We had some very yummy posts last week, so be sure to go check them all out. 

The Champions from Country Fair Blog Party #22

We are always looking for muffin recipes around county fair time and this recipe from 2 Kids and Tired Cooks is being pinned, so I don't forget about it next year.  Check out this yummy Brown Sugar Muffins!

I love a good beef recipe and I am definitely going to have to try this one form Jay Tried and True when I get home.  This Steak Pie looks like something the Farmer would really dig into.

Kim's County Line is still busy working hard in the hay field.  It sounds like they are having quite a time keeping the equipment in running order.  There are certainly times like that on our farm and really make things stressful between everyone on the place.  Breakdowns always allow me some time to take some pictures, because just like Kim I am not that mechanical and I usually just stay out of the guys way.  Check out the scenes from Breaking it Down.

Now, on to this week's blog party!

Add Our Buttons!

Kelly who writes the blog Old Blue Silo and does some graphic design work is one such person.  She designed some super buttons for the blog party that you can "grab."  Please add this button to your side bar or your post, so every one know you are linking up to our party.
Country Fair Blog Party

If you have been featured as one of our champions, we now have a purple ribbon for you to proudly display on your champion post.
Country Fair Blog Part

Please be kind and follow your hosts for this party:
Nicole of Tales of A Kansas Farm Mom on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram

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