
Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Country Fair Blog Party Favorites

How can it already be the middle of November?  We finished soybean harvest on Thursday and are looking forward to a little slower pace around our farm.  We still have lots of cow feeding to do and some that need moved home for winter. 

Reading all of these recipes makes me want to lock myself in the house and start cooking.  I have been eating cold sandwiches in the combine for the last few weeks for lunch and leftovers for supper.  My mom did cook a wonderful beef stew when we were harvesting next to their house, though.

I can't wait to show you my favorites posts that were linked to the November Country Fair Blog Party!

truck and trailor

As someone who has been moving lots of trailers, trucks and a combine around on the roads lately, I absolutely can agree with everything slowing down in this post from Crooked Brand Ranch called Safe Driving.  It is very scary to be pulling a trailer load of cows and have someone pull out in front of you or slam on their brakes.  We had one such incident on the way home from the last livestock show of the year.  A car passed us, turned on their left turn signal and then turned right...on a four lane road.  Luckily, my husband is a great driver and we avoided an accident and the heifers in the back handled the sharp moves well.

Freezer Biscuits
I love the looks of these Homemade Freezer Biscuits from High End Homesteading.   I used to make biscuits to go in the freezer all the time.  I do think I will add this to my list of things to make when I am making meals for the freezer.

Anyone that has followed me very long knows that I am someone who likes meals that are quick and easy to prepare.  I can't wait to try out these 16 Minute Beef and Bean Burritos from Jay Tried and True.

The pictures from Harvest Time by This Farm Family's Life are just what I would have taken had I not been in the driver seat of the combine most of harvest.  I really enjoyed how she shared that some days harvest doesn't go right...some weeks harvest doesn't go right, but at least we have neighbors that will let us borrow their equipment and help us get finished.

My favorite post this party has been the adoption series by In Between the Sunsets of Life.  I truly admire anyone who adopts a child or an entire family.  There is so much work that goes into the process ahead of time.  I have been honored to write letters of recommendation for two different families seeking adoption.  I think I stressed more about writing the letters than anything I have ever written.

I can't wait to see what everyone links up in the December Country Fair Blog Party, but in the meanwhile I will be trying some new recipes and following some new blogs.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

My lovely co-hosts all picked their own favorites for the month, so be sure to go check them all out as well.

Belong with Wildflowers
Country Linked
Dirt Road Charm
High Heels and Shotgun Shells
This Unchartered Rhoade
TIP Garden

-A Kansas Farm Mom

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