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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Flat Aggie Teacher Guide

I have been working with a group of teachers to bring how food is raised into their classrooms through what I call the Flat Aggie Project.  Below is a part of the how we do the project.  Be sure to click on the Flat Aggie Page to see all the details.



Flat Aggie Teacher Guide

A great way to introduce the Flat Aggie concept is my reading the book Flat Stanley to your class.  Some teachers also have the kids vote for the color of hair, shirt, pants, shoes, etc.  The more hands on this is for the kids the more they will really feel a part of this learning experience. 
After your Flat Aggie is ready, send it to me.  You can give me the actual Flat Aggie or scan and email it to me.  I will be scanning and emailing Flat Aggie to the farmers.  We don’t want the original to be lost and Flat Aggie might get muddy at some farms.
Farmers will show Flat Aggie around their farm and take pictures of him/her helping out.  
I send the teachers a link to the report either on my blog or Katie Pratt's.  (Katie is my partner in this project.)  If you have trouble accessing a link, I can email the report to you with pictures of Flat Aggie’s latest adventure attached.
This is how Mrs. Piatt presented each report:
1.       Printed the report.
2.       Placed in envelope.
3.       The return address said Flat Aggie and which state she visited.
4.       The Mailing address was made out to Mrs. Piatt’s Class, town, state
5.       Used a map to see where she is, where she was, and where the class is.
I plan to have reports come to you once a month.
Some of the farmers have been known to to send snacks or other items to the kids, I will be sure to forward those on.
The reports also come to the teachers with a link to an "All About" page with additional resources and classroom activities.  In 2014, I started sending a link to "Farmer Math."  We are trying to make math fun and tie it to the reports, so hopefully the kids will be more interested.  Links to all the old reports, All About pages and Farmer Math can be found on the Flat Aggie tab. 
-A Kansas Farm Mom

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