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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

W4DW-Mom's Disappearing Beef Stew

Since we are waiting on what everyone in Kansas is calling "Snowmageddon,"  I thought a great recipe for Wednesday would be my Mom's Beef Stew.  No matter where I serve it, it disappears.  I took a 6 quart crock pot clear full to the 4-H Soup Supper and it was G.O.N.E.  

My meat processor doesn't cut the meat as small as I like, so I use my kitchen shears when the meat is partially frozen so it is easier to cut.

 I learned from Chef Alli that browning meat is a flavor not a color.  Make sure your skillet is really hot and the meat will sizzle when it hits the skillet.
I couldn't get a good picture because my lens kept fogging over.  :)
Add all the seasonings along with the tomato juice and tapioca.  If you don't have quick cooking tapioca, you can find it in the pudding aisle at the grocery store or you can use corn starch.  It is merely a thickener for the broth. 

After cooking the first half of the cooking time, add the vegetables and continue cooking.

Mom’s Disappearing Beef Stew

2 pounds beef stew meat, cut into ½ inch cubes
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil, the original recipe calls for 1/2 cup
4 cups tomato juice
3 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca
1 beef bouillon cube
1/8 teaspoons garlic powder
1-2 tablespoons parsley flakes
½ teaspoon pepper
1 bay leaf
3 medium carrots, cut into ½ inch pieces
4 medium potatoes, cut into ½ inch pieces
3 stalks celery cut into ½ inch pieces
1 large onion, wedged

Heat oil in large skillet.  Brown beef cubes on all sides.  Add tomato juice, tapioca, beef bouillon cube, garlic powder, parsley, salt (if desired), pepper and bay leaf.  Bring mixture to a boil.  Turn onto three quart casserole or slow cooker.  Cover and bake at 350 F for 1½ hours in the oven add the vegetables and continue to bake 1 hour in the oven. 


If you prefer to use a Crock Pot  Cook meat 2½ hours in a slow cooker on medium heat until meat is tender,  add vegetables and continue to cook 2 hours in the slow cooker or until the vegetables are tender.

 Make 6-8 servings. 

Enjoy and everyone stay safe in the "Snowmageddon,"  I am sure we will busy tomorrow taking care of any new calves that decide to arrive in the snow.

-A Kansas Farm Mom


  1. Looks delish... if you're out and about could you please bring me some potatoes and celery?!? LOL

    1. Sure, just meet me at the pasture gate closest to your home. ;).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party. Your recipe sounds delicious! Please don’t forget to vote for your favorite recipes today!

    Kelly {Adorned Well}
    co-host of Foodie Friends Friday


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