
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Country Fair Blog Party

You don't have to be a farmer to link up, but a little country in your heart doesn't hurt.  This party is for the country in all of us, whether you are in the city and long for the country life or you live 2 hours from the closest WalMart. 

 Changing Things A Little

The craziness of kids for a couple of us hosts and the craziness of farming for the others has made a weekly blog party hard to keep up with sooooo we are changing it up a bit and are going to try a monthly party.  The party will start on the 1st of every month.  Sometime during the month (before the 15th), the hosts will share their favorite posts with all of you.

Want to help host?

We would love to have some additional co-hosts, so if you would like to be considered message us and let one of us know.  If you don't have a farm or work on the farm, that would be even better, because we get busy with the outside duties and kind of forget our blog responsibilities.  We could use some one to keep us on task from time to time.  :)

Join the Party!

I welcome all of you to post your blog posts about anything, recipes, Halloween costumes, decorations, DIY projects, or what's happening in your garden or on your farm.  Oh!  And October is Pork Month!!  Share your favorite porktastic recipes, too.

Do you need some ideas of what to post?  Here are some things that I would consider posting off of my own blog:

In case you haven't linked up before, here are some helpful hints:
  • You can link up to 3 posts.
  • Link to specific posts and not your home page.
  • Visit at least 2 other linked up posts and leave a comment.

Add Our Button!

Kelly who writes the blog Old Blue Silo and does some graphic design work is one such person.  She designed some super buttons for the blog party that you can "grab."  Please add this button to your side bar or your post, so every one know you are linking up to our party.
Country Fair Blog Party


An InLinkz Link-up

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